United Brothers Synagogue
Chevra Agudas Achim
Welcome to United Brothers Synagogue
We welcome all who are interested in participating in Jewish life.
We use the Reform prayerbooks, Mishkan T’Filah and Miskan Hanefesh.
We are a small, intimate congregation where everyone knows your name.
We are a synagogue with deep roots founded in 1900 and worship in a beautifully preserved, historic building..
We are an independent congregation with an innovative spiritual leader.
We welcome interfaith couples.
We welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members.
Join us for Shabbat!
Our next Shabbat service will be held on Friday, February 7, 2025.
Our February 7th service will feature a talk by Representative Seth Magaziner.
Services begin at 7:30 pm at our historic synagogue located at 205 High Street. We are meeting in-person. Alternatively, you can watch our services on YouTube. This month’s link is: https://youtube.com/live/xMxc4xWQTew?feature=share
Other News
Our weekly Mah-Jongg group meets every Tuesday at 7:00PM. All levels of players are welcome. If you are interested, please email us at ubsbristol@gmail.com and we’ll send you all the details. Here’s a recent news article about the group: https://www.jewishrhody.com/stories/for-mahjong-players-april-is-about-more-than-pesach,14433
Centennial Celebration of UBS
United Brothers Synagogue celebrated the 100th anniversary of the completion in 1923 of the second floor sanctuary of the temple building on Sunday, August 27, 2023. The United Brothers Synagogue is the second oldest synagogue in Rhode Island, a very historic and beautiful landmark.